Day 25: Code Chronicle

Puzzle Description

Advent of Code 2024, Day 25

Scala Center Advent of Code 2024, Day 25

Solution Summary

  1. Parse input into list of locks and keys
  2. Count combinations of locks and keys where they don't overlap

Part 1

Let's define the KeyOrLock class (I know, that name sucks)

case class KeyOrLock(isKey: Boolean, pinHeights: Vector[Int])

Then parse the input:

def parse(str: String): List[KeyOrLock] =
  str.split("\n\n").map: str =>
    val goodGrid: Vector[Vector[Char]] =
    val isKey = goodGrid(0)(0) != '#'
    val pinHeights = == '#') - 1)
    KeyOrLock(isKey, pinHeights)

Then to do part 1, we can add a function to KeyOrLock that tests if a key and lock overlap:

case class KeyOrLock(isKey: Boolean, pinHeights: Vector[Int])
  def compatibleWith(that: KeyOrLock): Boolean =
    assert(this.isKey ^ that.isKey), r) => l + r <= 5)

And now we can do part 1 in full:

def part1(input: List[KeyOrLock]): Long =
  val (keys, locks) = input.partition(_.isKey)

  keys.flatMap: key =>
    locks.filter: lock =>

For Christmas, there is no part 2. Happy advent of code everyone, and see you next year!

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