Day 4: Passport Processing

Puzzle Description

Advent of Code 2020, Day 4

Today I originally used CoffeeScript but I decided to not rewrite CoffeeScript code as it's just a bleh language for me, and Scala has a really elegant solution for today.

Solution Summary

  1. Parse passports
  2. Count number of valid passports in list

Part 1

Part 1 just is looking for the existance - the hard part of this is actually parsing.

First let's define our Passport:

case class Passport
  (byr: Option[Int],
   iyr: Option[Int],
   eyr: Option[Int],
   hgt: Option[String],
   hcl: Option[String],
   ecl: Option[String],
   pid: Option[String])

As you can see it's just a bunch of Option-al fields.

Because the test is so simple for seeing if a passport is valid, let's do that now. Using the monadic properties of Option with the monadic for makes this really easy:

case class Passport(...):
  def isValid: Boolean =
      _ <- byr
      _ <- iyr
      _ <- eyr
      _ <- hgt
      _ <- hcl
      _ <- ecl
      _ <- pid
    yield ()).isDefined

Now let's do the actual parsing:

def parse(str: String): List[Passport] =
  str.split("\n\n").map: block =>
    var byr = Option.empty[Int]
    var iyr = Option.empty[Int]
    var eyr = Option.empty[Int]
    var hgt = Option.empty[String]
    var hcl = Option.empty[String]
    var ecl = Option.empty[String]
    var pid = Option.empty[String]
      // throw if not valid int
      case s"byr:$b" => byr = Some(b.toInt)
      case s"iyr:$i" => iyr = Some(i.toInt)
      case s"eyr:$e" => eyr = Some(e.toInt)
      case s"hgt:$h" => hgt = Some(h)
      case s"hcl:$h" => hcl = Some(h)
      case s"ecl:$e" => ecl = Some(e)
      case s"pid:$p" => pid = Some(p)
      case _ => ()
    Passport(byr, iyr, eyr, hgt, hcl, ecl, pid)

We don't bother testing for country id as it never matters for us - each block's new lines don't matter either and each component doesn't have spaces, so we can split on flat out whitespace. As a note, the split function takes a regex string as a parameter, so the regex here is just "1 or more whitespace characters". We can then match on each passport segment, and set the correct variable if it matches.

Our input will never have invalid years, so we can convert those here, but the others need to be tested later.

Now let's do part 1:

def part1(input: List[Passport]): Int = input.count(_.isValid)

Part 2

Part 2 is harder but we can still use the monadic for to our advantage. Namely, the if in a for will return None if the expression is false.

So we can test with just a for:

case class Passport(...):
  def isValidP2: Boolean =
      byr <- this.byr
      if byr >= 1920 && byr <= 2002
      iyr <- this.iyr
      if iyr >= 2010 && iyr <= 2020
      eyr <- this.eyr
      if eyr >= 2020 && eyr <= 2030
      hgt <- this.hgt
      (heightNumStr, heightUnit) = hgt.span(_.isDigit)
      heightNum = heightNumStr.toInt
      if (heightUnit == "cm" && heightNum >= 150 && heightNum <= 193)
          || (heightUnit == "in" && heightNum >= 59 && heightNum <= 76)
      hcl <- this.hcl
      if hcl.head == '#' && hcl.tail.length == 6 
          && hcl.tail.forall(it => it.isDigit || (it >= 'a' && it <= 'f'))
      ecl <- this.ecl
      if ecl == "amb" || ecl == "blu" || ecl == "brn" 
         || ecl == "gry" || ecl == "grn" || ecl == "hzl" || ecl == "oth"
      pid <-
      if pid.length == 9
     yield ()).isDefined

After getting the value of each component, we test to see if it's valid. If it's not, the for loop will immediately short circuit for us. (if you're curious what if in a for desugars to, it's the filter function.)

Then part2 is just part1 but using our new valid function:

def part2(input: List[Passport]) = input.count(_.isValidP2)

Final Code

case class Passport
  (byr: Option[Int],
   iyr: Option[Int],
   eyr: Option[Int],
   hgt: Option[String],
   hcl: Option[String],
   ecl: Option[String],
   pid: Option[String]):
  def isValid: Boolean =
      _ <- byr
      _ <- iyr
      _ <- eyr
      _ <- hgt
      _ <- hcl
      _ <- ecl
      _ <- pid
    yield ()).isDefined

  def isValidP2: Boolean =
      byr <- this.byr
      if byr >= 1920 && byr <= 2002
      iyr <- this.iyr
      if iyr >= 2010 && iyr <= 2020
      eyr <- this.eyr
      if eyr >= 2020 && eyr <= 2030
      hgt <- this.hgt
      (heightNumStr, heightUnit) = hgt.span(_.isDigit)
      heightNum = heightNumStr.toInt
      if (heightUnit == "cm" && heightNum >= 150 && heightNum <= 193) 
          || (heightUnit == "in" && heightNum >= 59 && heightNum <= 76)
      hcl <- this.hcl
      if hcl.head == '#' && hcl.tail.length == 6 
         && hcl.tail.forall(it => it.isDigit || (it >= 'a' && it <= 'f'))
      ecl <- this.ecl
      if ecl == "amb" || ecl == "blu" || ecl == "brn" 
         || ecl == "gry" || ecl == "grn" || ecl == "hzl" || ecl == "oth"
      pid <-
      if pid.length == 9
     yield ()).isDefined

def parse(str: String): List[Passport] =
  str.split("\n\n").map: block =>
    var byr = Option.empty[Int]
    var iyr = Option.empty[Int]
    var eyr = Option.empty[Int]
    var hgt = Option.empty[String]
    var hcl = Option.empty[String]
    var ecl = Option.empty[String]
    var pid = Option.empty[String]
      // throw if not valid int
      case s"byr:$b" => byr = Some(b.toInt)
      case s"iyr:$i" => iyr = Some(i.toInt)
      case s"eyr:$e" => eyr = Some(e.toInt)
      case s"hgt:$h" => hgt = Some(h)
      case s"hcl:$h" => hcl = Some(h)
      case s"ecl:$e" => ecl = Some(e)
      case s"pid:$p" => pid = Some(p)
      case _ => ()
    Passport(byr, iyr, eyr, hgt, hcl, ecl, pid)

def part1(input: List[Passport]): Int = input.count(_.isValid)

def part2(input: List[Passport]): Int = input.count(_.isValidP2)


Part 1




3.861 ms

+/- 0.013 ms


10.383 ms

+/- 0.006 ms


10.355 ms

+/- 0.010 ms

Part 2




3.610 ms

+/- 0.078 ms


10.456 ms

+/- 0.078 ms


10.606 ms

+/- 0.019 ms

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