Day 5: Hydrothermal Venture
Puzzle Description
Scala Center Link
Scala Center Advent of Code 2021, Day 5
Solution Summary
- Parse input into a
Calculate overlapping points
- For part 1, we ignore diagonal lines
- For part 2, we include diagonal lines
Part 1
I want to note how different our Scala and Haskell solutions are today. Scala uses mutability because the immutable version was very slow (50s on JS!). This version solves in under a second. Haskell is immutable because it's Haskell : ).
Let's define our types of Line
, and we'll also define what orientation a line can be with LineOrientation
import common.Vec2i
case class Line(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i)
enum LineOrientation:
case Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal, Point
newtype Line = Line (Int, Int, Int, Int)
type Point = (Int, Int)
data LineOrientation = Horizontal | Vertical | Diagonal | Point deriving (Eq, Show)
Now let's move on to parsing the lines:
def parse(input: String): List[Line] =
case s"$x1,$y1 -> $x2,$y2" => Line(Vec2i(x1.toInt, y1.toInt), Vec2i(x2.toInt, y2.toInt))
parse :: String -> [Line]
parse str =
daLines = lines str
map parseLine daLines
parseLine :: String -> Line
parseLine str =
let (first:xs) = splitOn "->" (trim str)
lastElem = head xs
nums1 = splitOn "," $ trim first
nums2 = splitOn "," $ trim lastElem
x1 = read $ head nums1
y1 = read $ last nums1
x2 = read $ head nums2
y2 = read $ last nums2 in
Line (x1, y1, x2, y2)
We have to make a line figure out its orientation, so let's do that now.
case class Line(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i):
def orientation: LineOrientation =
if start == end then
else if start.x == end.x then
else if start.y == end.y then
getLineOrientation :: Line -> LineOrientation
getLineOrientation (Line (x1, y1, x2, y2))
| x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 = Point
| x1 == x2 = Vertical
| y1 == y2 = Horizontal
| otherwise = Diagonal
Now let's calculate what a line covers. For part 1 we don't know enough about diagonal lines, and we are ignoring them anyway, so let's just error if we encounter one.
case class Line(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i):
// ...
def covers: Set[Vec2i] =
orientation match
case LineOrientation.Point => Set(this.start)
case LineOrientation.Horizontal => (math.min(start.x, end.x) to math.max(start.x, end.x)).map(x => Vec2i(x, start.y)).toSet
case LineOrientation.Vertical => (math.min(start.y, end.y) to math.max(start.y, end.y))
.map(y => Vec2i(start.x, y)).toSet
case LineOrientation.Diagonal => ???
lineCovers :: Line -> Set.Set Point
lineCovers ln@(Line (x1, y1, x2, y2)) =
case getLineOrientation ln of
Horizontal -> Set.fromList [(x, y2) | x <- [min x1 x2..max x1 x2]]
Vertical -> Set.fromList [(x1, y) | y <- [min y1 y2..max y1 y2]]
Point -> Set.singleton (x1, y1)
Diagonal -> undefined
Here's the significant difference between the two languages: calculating the points where there is overlap. Scala is mutable, but Haskell is immutable. Scala performs better here being mutable and it's unusably slow on JS if you try to make it immutable.
import scala.collection.mutable as mut
extension (map: mut.HashMap[Vec2i, Int])
def updateInPlaceField(line: Line): Unit =
val daSet = line.covers
daSet.foreach: p =>
case Some(v) => Some(v + 1)
case None => Some(1)
def countDanger: Int = map.count((_, i) => i >= 2)
updateField :: M.Map Point Int -> Set.Set Point -> M.Map Point Int
updateField daMap pts =
let ptsMap = M.fromSet (const 1) pts in
M.unionWith (+) daMap ptsMap
getDangerField :: M.Map Point Int -> [Line] -> M.Map Point Int
getDangerField =
foldl $ \x y -> updateField x (lineCovers y)
countDanger :: M.Map Point Int -> [Line] -> Int
countDanger field lns = M.size $ M.filter (>= 2) $ getDangerField field lns
Now we can do part 1:
def part1(input: List[Line]): Int =
val daMap = mut.HashMap.empty[Vec2i, Int]
input.filter(_.orientation != LineOrientation.Diagonal).foreach(daMap.updateInPlaceField)
part1 :: [Line] -> Int
part1 lines =
countDanger M.empty $ filter (\x -> getLineOrientation x /= Diagonal) lines
Part 2
Part 2's difference is just including diagonal lines. We'll only have to update Line#covers
to calculate the covered points.
I get to show off a feature of cats that I find really cool: Parallel
. This encodes types that have a Monad
, and an alternative type
with the same structure that has an Applicative
instance. List
's instance turns it into ZipList
, which is an applicative functor based on zipping.
Haskell's ZipList
has the same Applicative
implementation as Cats' ZipList
. Using parMapN
on a tuple of M[T]
converts all the M
's into the
's alternative type (so A[T]
) and ap
s them all together. In Haskell we just use zip
because it's not that hard to do and its more cumbersome to use
's applicative instance. This is kind of a lot, so feel free to look at Cats' docs for Parallel
Let's update Line#covers
to account for diagonal lines:
import cats.syntax.all.*
case class Line(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i):
def covers: Set[Vec2i] =
orientation match
case LineOrientation.Point => Set(this.start)
case LineOrientation.Horizontal => (math.min(start.x, end.x) to math.max(start.x, end.x)).map(x => Vec2i(x, start.y)).toSet
case LineOrientation.Vertical => (math.min(start.y, end.y) to math.max(start.y, end.y))
.map(y => Vec2i(start.x, y)).toSet
case LineOrientation.Diagonal =>
((start.x to end.x by math.signum(end.x - start.x)).toList,
(start.y to end.y by math.signum(end.y - start.y)).toList).parMapN(Vec2i.apply)
lineCovers :: Line -> Set.Set Point
lineCovers ln@(Line (x1, y1, x2, y2)) =
case getLineOrientation ln of
Horizontal -> Set.fromList [(x, y2) | x <- [min x1 x2..max x1 x2]]
Vertical -> Set.fromList [(x1, y) | y <- [min y1 y2..max y1 y2]]
Point -> Set.singleton (x1, y1)
Diagonal -> Set.fromList $ zip [x1, x1 + signum (x2 - x1) .. x2] [y1, y1 + signum (y2 - y1) .. y2]
Now we can do part 2:
def part2(input: List[Line]): Int =
val daMap = mut.HashMap.empty[Vec2i, Int]
part2 :: [Line] -> Int
part2 = countDanger M.empty
Final Code
import common.Vec2i
import cats.syntax.all.*
import scala.collection.mutable as mut
case class Line(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i):
def orientation: LineOrientation =
if start == end then
else if start.x == end.x then
else if start.y == end.y then
def covers: Set[Vec2i] =
orientation match
case LineOrientation.Point => Set(this.start)
case LineOrientation.Horizontal => (math.min(start.x, end.x) to math.max(start.x, end.x)).map(x => Vec2i(x, start.y)).toSet
case LineOrientation.Vertical => (math.min(start.y, end.y) to math.max(start.y, end.y))
.map(y => Vec2i(start.x, y)).toSet
case LineOrientation.Diagonal =>
((start.x to end.x by math.signum(end.x - start.x)).toList,
(start.y to end.y by math.signum(end.y - start.y)).toList).parMapN(Vec2i.apply)
enum LineOrientation:
case Horizontal, Vertical, Diagonal, Point
def parse(input: String): List[Line] =
case s"$x1,$y1 -> $x2,$y2" => Line(Vec2i(x1.toInt, y1.toInt), Vec2i(x2.toInt, y2.toInt))
extension[A, B] (map: Map[A, B])
def unionWith(that: Map[A, B])(f: (B, B) => B): Map[A, B] =
case (Some(v), None) => v
case (None, Some(v)) => v
case (Some(v), Some(w)) => f(v, w)
extension (map: mut.HashMap[Vec2i, Int])
def updateInPlaceField(line: Line): Unit =
val daSet = line.covers
daSet.foreach: p =>
case Some(v) => Some(v + 1)
case None => Some(1)
def countDanger: Int = map.count((_, i) => i >= 2)
def part1(input: List[Line]): Int =
val daMap = mut.HashMap.empty[Vec2i, Int]
input.filter(_.orientation != LineOrientation.Diagonal).foreach(daMap.updateInPlaceField)
def part2(input: List[Line]): Int =
val daMap = mut.HashMap.empty[Vec2i, Int]
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
import Data.List.Extra (splitOn, trim)
import Data.Ix (range)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as M
import Data.Set qualified as Set
newtype Line = Line (Int, Int, Int, Int) deriving (Show)
type Point = (Int, Int)
data LineOrientation = Horizontal | Vertical | Diagonal | Point deriving (Eq, Show)
parse :: String -> [Line]
parse str =
daLines = lines str
map parseLine daLines
parseLine :: String -> Line
parseLine str =
let (first:xs) = splitOn "->" (trim str)
lastElem = head xs
nums1 = splitOn "," $ trim first
nums2 = splitOn "," $ trim lastElem
x1 = read $ head nums1
y1 = read $ last nums1
x2 = read $ head nums2
y2 = read $ last nums2 in
Line (x1, y1, x2, y2)
updateField :: M.Map Point Int -> Set.Set Point -> M.Map Point Int
updateField daMap pts =
let ptsMap = M.fromSet (const 1) pts in
M.unionWith (+) daMap ptsMap
getLineOrientation :: Line -> LineOrientation
getLineOrientation (Line (x1, y1, x2, y2))
| x1 == x2 && y1 == y2 = Point
| x1 == x2 = Vertical
| y1 == y2 = Horizontal
| otherwise = Diagonal
lineCovers :: Line -> Set.Set Point
lineCovers ln@(Line (x1, y1, x2, y2)) =
case getLineOrientation ln of
Horizontal -> Set.fromList [(x, y2) | x <- [min x1 x2..max x1 x2]]
Vertical -> Set.fromList [(x1, y) | y <- [min y1 y2..max y1 y2]]
Point -> Set.singleton (x1, y1)
Diagonal -> Set.fromList $ zip [x1, x1 + signum (x2 - x1) .. x2] [y1, y1 + signum (y2 - y1) .. y2]
getDangerField :: M.Map Point Int -> [Line] -> M.Map Point Int
getDangerField =
foldl $ \x y -> updateField x (lineCovers y)
countDanger :: M.Map Point Int -> [Line] -> Int
countDanger field lns = M.size $ M.filter (>= 2) $ getDangerField field lns
part1 :: [Line] -> Int
part1 lines =
countDanger M.empty $ filter (\x -> getLineOrientation x /= Diagonal) lines
part2 :: [Line] -> Int
part2 = countDanger M.empty
Part 1
Mean |
Error |
31.810 ms |
+/- 1.318 ms |
JS |
149.858 ms |
+/- 7.020 ms |
Native |
34.391 ms |
+/- 0.138 ms |
Haskell |
73.661 ms |
+/- 8.909 ms |
Part 2
Mean |
Error |
55.779 ms |
+/- 4.217 ms |
JS |
264.698 ms |
+/- 14.040 ms |
Native |
66.800 ms |
+/- 0.157 ms |
Haskell |
239.555 ms |
+/- 21.348 ms |