Day 19: Linen Layout

Puzzle Description

Advent of Code 2024, Day 19

Scala Center Advent of Code 2024, Day 19

Solution Summary

  1. Parse input into two List[String]
  2. Calculate each pattern
    • For part1, we just have to find 1 valid configuration then we can end early.
    • For part2, we have to find all valid configurations and count them.
  3. Sum results of calculations

Part 1

Part 1 is just finding one valid pattern, which isn't too bad.

Let's start with the parsing:

def parse(str: String): (List[String], List[String]) =
  val Array(towelsStr, designStr) = str.split("\n\n")

  val towels = towelsStr.split(',').map(_.trim).toList
  val designs = designStr.split('\n').toList

  (towels.sortBy(_.length)(using Ordering[Int].reverse), designs)

We sort the towels by length here so we don't have to do it in either solution - this doesn't matter too much for part 2, but for part 1 choosing the biggest chunks first is preferable.

Now we just have to find a single valid configuration. My immediate thought was parser combinators, but I didn't really want to pull those out so I just did a recursive function:

def parseDesign(towels: List[String], design: String): Boolean =
  def go(curTowels: List[String], restDesign: String): Boolean =
    if restDesign.isEmpty then
      curTowels match
        case head :: next =>
          if restDesign.startsWith(head) then
            val nextDesign = restDesign.drop(head.length)
            go(towels, nextDesign) || go(next, restDesign)
            go(next, restDesign)
        case Nil => false
  go(towels, design)

Part 1 is now just as simple as counting the designs with at least 1 valid configuration:

def part1(str: String): Long =
  val (towels, designs) = parse(str)
  designs.count(parseDesign(towels, _)).toLong

And that's part 1 solved.

Part 2

It's not too hard to write something that will work in the small example case, but I struggled with making it optimized enough. I was unable to rub my braincells together today so I used merlinorg's (older) solution for part 2.

The key is using a cache to memoize the amount of combinations of a suffix of a pattern. Honestly I don't really fully understand the code myself, so here it is and my best explanation:

def countDesigns(towels: List[String], design: String): Long =
  def go(pattern: String, total: Long, cache: Map[String, Long]): (Long, Map[String, Long]) =
    cache.get(pattern) match
      case Some(count) => (total + count, cache)
      case _ =>
        val (count, cache2) = towels.foldLeft(0L -> cache):
          case ((count, cache), towel) =>
            if pattern.startsWith(towel) then
              go(pattern.drop(towel.length), count, cache)
              (count, cache)
        (total + count, cache2 + (pattern -> count))

  go(design, 0L, Map("" -> 1L))._1

If the pattern is already in the cache, then it returns the cache score + the total arg. If not, then it calculate combinations by going through all the towels, and recursing on ones the pattern starts with. Then, it returns the count calculated from all combinations for that pattern and adds that pattern to the cache.

The cache is useful because when a pattern's start can be matched by multiple towels then the suffixes tend to be equal, and if they aren't they likely will have children later that are equal. So caching means that the bulk of the computation is done at the start but then most of the work is cache fetching.

Now to just hook that up to part2:

def part2(str: String): Long =
  val (towels, designs) = parse(str), _)).sum

Final code:

def parse(str: String): (List[String], List[String]) =
  val Array(towelsStr, designStr) = str.split("\n\n")

  val towels = towelsStr.split(',').map(_.trim).toList
  val designs = designStr.split('\n').toList

  (towels.sortBy(_.length)(using Ordering[Int].reverse), designs)

def parseDesign(towels: List[String], design: String): Boolean =
  def go(curTowels: List[String], restDesign: String): Boolean =
    if restDesign.isEmpty then
      curTowels match
        case head :: next =>
          if restDesign.startsWith(head) then
            val nextDesign = restDesign.drop(head.length)
            go(towels, nextDesign) || go(next, restDesign)
            go(next, restDesign)
        case Nil => false
  go(towels, design)
def countDesigns(towels: List[String], design: String): Long =
  def go(pattern: String, total: Long, cache: Map[String, Long]): (Long, Map[String, Long]) =
    cache.get(pattern) match
      case Some(count) => (total + count, cache)
      case _ =>
        val (count, cache2) = towels.foldLeft(0L -> cache):
          case ((count, cache), towel) =>
            if pattern.startsWith(towel) then
              go(pattern.drop(towel.length), count, cache)
              (count, cache)
        (total + count, cache2 + (pattern -> count))

  go(design, 0L, Map("" -> 1L))._1

def part1(input: (List[String], List[String])): Long =
  val (towels, designs) = input
  designs.count(parseDesign(towels, _)).toLong

def part2(input: (List[String], List[String])): Long =
  val (towels, designs) = input, _)).sum

Solution on github


Part 1




11.462 ms

+/- 0.132 ms


11.167 ms

+/- 0.015 ms


10.780 ms

+/- 0.035 ms

Part 2




64.350 ms

+/- 1.512 ms


100.685 ms

+/- 0.603 ms


191.432 ms

+/- 0.909 ms

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