Day 20: Race Condition
Puzzle Description
Scala Center Link
Scala Center Advent of Code 2024, Day 20
Solution Summary
- Parse input into grid, start, end
- Find all cheats
- Calculate savings of all cheats and count those with savings above 100.
Part 1
Part 1 is just a cheat of 2 picoseconds, which isn't very hard.
Let's get started with our data types. I'm honestly tired of rewriting stuff for my writeups so I'm not even going to bother today,
but I'm importing Vec2i
and Grid
from my common package.
Then lets make a holder for our Input:
case class RaceTrack(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i, grid: Grid[Boolean])
Then let's parse our input:
def parse(str: String): RaceTrack =
val goodGrid = mut.ArrayBuffer.fill(str.linesIterator.length,
var start = Vec2i(0, 0)
var end = Vec2i(0, 0)
str.linesIterator.zipWithIndex.foreach: (line, y) =>
line.zipWithIndex.foreach: (char, x) =>
char match
case 'S' => start = Vec2i(x, y)
case 'E' => end = Vec2i(x, y)
case _ => ()
char match
case '#' => goodGrid(y)(x) = true
case _ => ()
RaceTrack(start, end, Grid(goodGrid))
Before we find the cheats, let's write our pathfind function now.
Here's the pathfinding function, and a companion timing function:
extension (grid: Grid[Boolean])
def pathfind(start: Vec2i, goal: Vec2i): Option[List[Vec2i]] =
def reconstructPath(cameFrom: Map[Vec2i, Vec2i], p: Vec2i): List[Vec2i] = {
val totalPath = mut.ListBuffer[Vec2i](p)
var current = p
while (cameFrom.contains(current)) {
current = cameFrom(current)
val cameFrom = mut.HashMap[Vec2i, Vec2i]()
val dist = mut.HashMap[Vec2i, Double](start -> 0d)
val q = mut.PriorityQueue(start -> 0d)(using[(Vec2i, Double), Double](_._2).reverse)
while q.nonEmpty && q.head._1 != goal do
val (current, score) = q.dequeue()
current.cardinalNeighbors.filter(grid.get(_).contains(false)).foreach: neighbor =>
val alt = score + 1d
if alt < dist.getOrElse(neighbor, Double.PositiveInfinity) then
cameFrom(neighbor) = current
dist(neighbor) = alt
q.addOne(neighbor -> alt) (p, _) =>
reconstructPath(cameFrom.toMap, p)
Let's store this in the RaceTrack
case class RaceTrack(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i, grid: Grid[Boolean]):
lazy val basePath: List[Vec2i] = grid.pathfind(start, end).get
Now we can actually find all the valid cheats. For part 1 it's fairly easy to find all points; it's just finding all walls with at least two neighbors.
Let's define our cheat class:
case class Cheat(skips: Vec2i)
Then let's find all of them:
case class RaceTrack(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i, grid: Grid[Boolean]):
// ...
def findCheats(): List[Cheat] =
grid.zipWithIndices.withFilter(_._1).flatMap: (_, p) =>
Option.when(p.cardinalNeighbors.count(grid.get(p).contains(false)) >= 2)(Cheat(p))
Part 1 is simple now:
def part1(input: RaceTrack): Int =
val baseScore = input.basePath.size
val cheats = input.findCheats()
cheats.count(c => input.grid.updated(c.skips)(false).pathfind(input.start, input.end).get.size >= 100)
Part 2
Part 2 sets all of our previous code on fire and we'll have to rewrite almost everything.
First we need to understand some concepts. I solved this myself with a final time of ~20s, but I'm using Berg's optimization which gets it down to 4s. He realized that all that matters is skips between points already on the path, so we can use the base path and only have to pathfind once. The difference in indices in the path of the two points is the non cheat time, and the taxicab distance between them is the time with cheat, so the time saved is the difference between those.
Let's redefine our Cheat
class so it works for longer skips and saves the time saved.
case class Cheat(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i, saved: Int)
Let's redefine our findCheats
function as well:
case class RaceTrack(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i, grid: Grid[Boolean]):
// ...
def findCheats(limit: Int): List[Cheat] =
basePath.zipWithIndex.flatMap: (lp, li) =>
basePath.zipWithIndex.drop(li).flatMap: (rp, ri) =>
val dist = lp.taxiDistance(rp)
Option.when(dist <= limit && (dist < ri - li))(Cheat(lp, rp, (ri - li) - dist))
We only take in ones where the cheat is valid (the taxicab distance is <= the limit) and where time is saved
(the taxicab distance is less than path distance of ri - li
). We then save the time saved in the cheat itself. All of the computation
for the time saved is right here, and we only need to pathfind once.
We'll have to update our part 1 code to keep it working:
def part1(input: RaceTrack): Int =
val cheats = input.findCheats(2)
cheats.count(_.saved >= 100)
As a side note, this gets part 1 from 4s down to 1.5s.
Part 2 is the same as our updated part 1 code, but with the limit set to 20:
def part2(input: RaceTrack): Int =
val cheats = input.findCheats(20)
cheats.count(_.saved >= 100)
Final Code
extension (grid: Grid[Boolean])
def pathfind(start: Vec2i, goal: Vec2i): Option[List[Vec2i]] =
def reconstructPath(cameFrom: Map[Vec2i, Vec2i], p: Vec2i): List[Vec2i] = {
val totalPath = mut.ListBuffer[Vec2i](p)
var current = p
while (cameFrom.contains(current)) {
current = cameFrom(current)
val cameFrom = mut.HashMap[Vec2i, Vec2i]()
val dist = mut.HashMap[Vec2i, Double](start -> 0d)
val q = mut.PriorityQueue(start -> 0d)(using[(Vec2i, Double), Double](_._2).reverse)
while q.nonEmpty && q.head._1 != goal do
val (current, score) = q.dequeue()
current.cardinalNeighbors.filter(grid.get(_).contains(false)).foreach: neighbor =>
val alt = score + 1d
if alt < dist.getOrElse(neighbor, Double.PositiveInfinity) then
cameFrom(neighbor) = current
dist(neighbor) = alt
q.addOne(neighbor -> alt) (p, _) =>
reconstructPath(cameFrom.toMap, p)
case class RaceTrack(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i, grid: Grid[Boolean]):
lazy val basePath: List[Vec2i] = grid.pathfind(start, end).get
def findCheats(limit: Int): List[Cheat] =
basePath.zipWithIndex.flatMap: (lp, li) =>
basePath.zipWithIndex.drop(li).flatMap: (rp, ri) =>
val dist = lp.taxiDistance(rp)
Option.when(dist <= limit && (dist < ri - li))(Cheat(lp, rp, (ri - li) - dist))
case class Cheat(start: Vec2i, end: Vec2i, saved: Int)
def parse(str: String): RaceTrack =
val goodGrid = mut.ArrayBuffer.fill(str.linesIterator.length,
var start = Vec2i(0, 0)
var end = Vec2i(0, 0)
str.linesIterator.zipWithIndex.foreach: (line, y) =>
line.zipWithIndex.foreach: (char, x) =>
char match
case 'S' => start = Vec2i(x, y)
case 'E' => end = Vec2i(x, y)
case _ => ()
char match
case '#' => goodGrid(y)(x) = true
case _ => ()
RaceTrack(start, end, Grid(goodGrid))
def part1(input: RaceTrack): Int =
val cheats = input.findCheats(2)
cheats.count(_.saved >= 100)
def part2(input: RaceTrack): Int =
val cheats = input.findCheats(20)
cheats.count(_.saved >= 100)
Part 1
Mean |
Error |
1414.449 ms |
+/- 29.047 ms |
JS |
1454.332 ms |
+/- 37.686 ms |
Native |
3987.271 ms |
+/- 837.559 ms |
Part 2
Mean |
Error |
2667.105 ms |
+/- 725.751 ms |
JS |
2026.239 ms |
+/- 4088.739 ms |
Native |
4199.835 ms |
+/- 186.858 ms |