Day 7: Handy Haversacks

Puzzle Description

Advent of Code 2020, Day 7

Today was a Haxe day but my solution from 2021 was incompetent, and honestly I'm tired of rewriting all my things, especially when the Scala is so elegant.

Solution Summary

  1. Parse input into a Map[String, Set[BagDesc]]
  2. Solve
    • For part1, count the amount of bags that contain the shiny gold bag.
    • For part2, count the amount of bags inside the shiny gold bag.

Part 1

Let's first define our types.

case class BagDesc(color: String, amount: Int)
type Rules = Map[String, Set[BagDesc]]

Let's then parse our input. For some reason the input is "complex" compared to other inputs - it follows some rules of english syntax.

Let's parse it:

def parse(str: String): Rules =
    case s"$color bags contain $rest." =>
      color -> rest.split(',').foldLeft(Set.empty[BagDesc]):
        case (acc, r) =>
          r.trim match
            case s"no other bags" => acc
            case s"$n $color2 bag$_" => acc + BagDesc(color2, n.toInt)

We have to make sure to only parse the s sometimes, as it is omitted if n is 1. Otherwise the parsing isn't too bad.

Part 1 is counting the amount of bags that contain the shiny gold bag. A recursive function works fine here:

def part1(input: Rules): Int =
  def containsShinyGold(bag: String): Boolean =
    val rule = input(bag)
    rule.exists(_.color == "shiny gold") || rule.exists(it => containsShinyGold(it.color))

  input.removed("shiny gold").count(it => containsShinyGold(it._1))

Part 2

Part 2 is finding the amount of bags inside the shiny gold bag. Another recursive function works here:

def part2(input: Rules): Int =
  def getBagAmount(bag: String): Int =
    val rule = input(bag)
      case (acc, bag) =>
        acc + (bag.amount * getBagAmount(bag.color))
  getBagAmount("shiny gold") - 1

Each recursion gives at least 1 bag (the current bag). At the end we have to subtract 1 to remove the shiny gold bag from the count.

Final Code

case class BagDesc(color: String, amount: Int)
type Rules = Map[String, Set[BagDesc]]

def parse(str: String): Rules =
    case s"$color bags contain $rest." =>
      color -> rest.split(',').foldLeft(Set.empty[BagDesc]):
        case (acc, r) =>
          r.trim match
            case s"no other bags" => acc
            case s"$n $color2 bag$_" => acc + BagDesc(color2, n.toInt)

def part1(input: Rules): Int =
  def containsShinyGold(bag: String): Boolean =
    val rule = input(bag)
    rule.exists(_.color == "shiny gold") || rule.exists(it => containsShinyGold(it.color))

  input.removed("shiny gold").count(it => containsShinyGold(it._1))

def part2(input: Rules): Int =
  def getBagAmount(bag: String): Int =
    val rule = input(bag)
      case (acc, bag) =>
        acc + (bag.amount * getBagAmount(bag.color))
  getBagAmount("shiny gold") - 1


Part 1




8.377 ms

+/- 0.131 ms


17.319 ms

+/- 0.028 ms


10.019 ms

+/- 0.030 ms

Part 2




2.816 ms

+/- 0.030 ms


6.662 ms

+/- 0.002 ms


5.319 ms

+/- 0.013 ms

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