Day 3: Toboggan Trajectory
Puzzle Description
Today's another Haxe day. Today uses Haxe's for
comprehension which lets you save for results into arrays.
Solution Summary
- Parse input into a
- Test slope(s), and multiply them together if more than 1
Part 1
Let's parse our input:
def parse(str: String): Vector[Vector[Boolean]] = == '#').toVector).toVector
As always Haxe struggles with newlines, so we need to bring in StringTools
to trim.
using StringTools;
// ...
static function parse(str: String): Array<Array<Bool>> {
return [for (line in str.trim().split("\n")) {
line = line.trim();
[for (char in line.split("")) char == "#"];
Then let's define a function to test a slope. The solution between languages differs a lot because I really wanted to show off the functional programming aspect of Scala.
extension (self: Vector[Vector[Boolean]])
def testSlope(slopeX: Int, slopeY: Int): Int =
Iterator.iterate((0, 0))((x, y) => ((x + slopeX) % self.head.length, y + slopeY))
.takeWhile((_, y) => y < self.length)
.count((x, y) => self(y)(x))
Haxe's auto casting into abstracts is kind of jank but it just works here. We have to explicitly specify
because part2 will need it later, but part 1 works fine if it's just a normal Int
static function testSlope(input: Array<Array<Bool>>, slopeX: Int, slopeY: Int): Int64 {
var xPos = 0;
var yPos = 0;
var treeBonk = 0;
while (yPos + slopeY < input.length) {
xPos += slopeX;
xPos %= input[0].length;
yPos += slopeY;
if (input[yPos][xPos]) {
return treeBonk;
Then for part 1 we just hook up this function directly with the defined slope of 3, 1
def part1(input: Vector[Vector[Boolean]]): Long =
input.testSlope(3, 1)
static function part1(input: Array<Array<Bool>>): Int64 {
return testSlope(input, 3, 1);
Part 2
Part 2 is just testing multiple slopes and multiplying them together. Since we've already extracted the testSlope
function, it's easy to do this:
def part2(input: Vector[Vector[Boolean]]): Long =
List((1, 1), (3, 1), (5, 1), (7, 1), (1, 2)).foldLeft(1L):
case (acc, (x, y)) => acc * input.testSlope(x, y)
static function part2(input: Array<Array<Bool>>): Int64 {
final slopes = [[1, 1], [3, 1], [5, 1], [7, 1], [1, 2]];
var res: Int64 = 1;
for (slope in slopes) {
res *= testSlope(input, slope[0], slope[1]);
return res;
Final Code
def parse(str: String): Vector[Vector[Boolean]] = == '#').toVector).toVector
extension (self: Vector[Vector[Boolean]])
def testSlope(slopeX: Int, slopeY: Int): Int =
Iterator.iterate((0, 0))((x, y) => ((x + slopeX) % self.head.length, y + slopeY))
.takeWhile((_, y) => y < self.length)
.count((x, y) => self(y)(x))
def part1(input: Vector[Vector[Boolean]]): Long =
input.testSlope(3, 1)
def part2(input: Vector[Vector[Boolean]]): Long =
List((1, 1), (3, 1), (5, 1), (7, 1), (1, 2)).foldLeft(1L):
case (acc, (x, y)) => acc * input.testSlope(x, y)
import haxe.Int64;
using StringTools;
class Day03 {
static function parse(str: String): Array<Array<Bool>> {
return [for (line in str.trim().split("\n")) {
line = line.trim();
[for (char in line.split("")) char == "#"];
static function testSlope(input: Array<Array<Bool>>, slopeX: Int, slopeY: Int): Int64 {
var xPos = 0;
var yPos = 0;
var treeBonk = 0;
while (yPos + slopeY < input.length) {
xPos += slopeX;
xPos %= input[0].length;
yPos += slopeY;
if (input[yPos][xPos]) {
return treeBonk;
static function part1(input: Array<Array<Bool>>): Int64 {
return testSlope(input, 3, 1);
static function part2(input: Array<Array<Bool>>): Int64 {
final slopes = [[1, 1], [3, 1], [5, 1], [7, 1], [1, 2]];
var res: Int64 = 1;
for (slope in slopes) {
res *= testSlope(input, slope[0], slope[1]);
return res;
Part 1
Mean |
Error |
85.283 μs |
+/- 0.914 μs |
JS |
141.242 μs |
+/- 0.079 μs |
Native |
160.329 μs |
+/- 0.131 μs |
Part 2
Mean |
Error |
142.301 μs |
+/- 0.800 μs |
JS |
166.672 μs |
+/- 0.129 μs |
Native |
232.675 μs |
+/- 0.141 μs |