Day 7: The Treachery of Whales
Puzzle Description
Scala Center Link
Scala Center Advent of Code 2021, Day 7
This day is a fun one because the solution (for part 2 at least) isn't immediately obvious. My Haskell solution was incorrect for part 2, with a code comment stating that it was solved with GHCi. I was able to find a solution though.
Solution Summary
- Parse input into
- Find the point that requires the least fuel to align all crabs to
Part 1
Part 1 isn't too bad. We have to find the point where the crabs will have to move the least. The median (for some reason, I don't remember the reasoning) is this point.
Let's first parse our input:
def parse(input: String): List[Int] =
parse :: String -> [Int]
parse str = read ("[" ++ str ++ "]")
Let's then find the median:
def median(input: List[Int]): Int =
val len = input.length
val l = len.toDouble / 2.0
val ll = l.floor.toInt
val lu = l.ceil.toInt
val sorted = input.sorted
if ll == lu then
math.max(sorted(ll), sorted(lu))
median :: [Int] -> Int
median xs = let len = length xs
l = fromIntegral len / 2
ll = floor l
lu = ceiling l
sorted = sort xs in
if ll == lu then
sorted !! ll
max (sorted !! ll) (sorted !! lu)
Then let's calculate the amount of fuel requires to align to a point:
def sumDistance(crabs: List[Int], pt: Int): Int = => math.abs(it - pt)).sum
sumDistance :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
sumDistance xs pt =
sum $ map (abs . subtract pt) xs
Part 1 is just a matter of chaining these two functions together:
def part1(input: List[Int]): Int =
sumDistance(input, median(input))
part1 :: [Int] -> Int
part1 crabs =
med = median crabs
sumDistance crabs med
Part 2
Apparently crabs move with sumtorials. How sad for them. This changes what we want to align to - we need to find the point that all crabs are the closest to, which is the average.
There's a small hitch though: average works with floating point numbers while the point must be integral. We'll test the points from the floor and ceiling of the average.
Let's calculate the average of the positions, which is just
def average(ls: List[Int]): Double =
ls.sum.toDouble / ls.length.toDouble
average :: [Int] -> (Int, Int)
average l =
avg = fromIntegral (sum l) / fromIntegral (length l)
(floor avg, ceiling avg)
Then let's calculate the distance, which is just a sum of all sumtorials (sumtorial is the sum of all natural numbers preceding and including this number. This is also called the nth triangle number.)
def sumtorial(p: Int): Int =
if p < 0 then
(1 to p).sum
def distanceP2(crabs: List[Int], pt: Int): Int = => sumtorial(math.abs(it - pt))).sum
sumtorial :: Int -> Int
sumtorial n
| n < 0 = 0
| otherwise = sum [1..n]
distanceP2 :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
distanceP2 xs pt =
sum $ map (sumtorial . abs . subtract pt) xs
As with part 1, we just hook up the results to part 2.
def part2(input: List[Int]): Int =
val pt = average(input)
math.min(distanceP2(input, pt.floor.toInt), distanceP2(input, pt.ceil.toInt))
part2 :: [Int] -> Int
part2 crabs =
(avg1, avg2) = average crabs
min (distanceP2 crabs avg1) (distanceP2 crabs avg2)
Final Code
def parse(input: String): List[Int] =
def median(input: List[Int]): Int =
val len = input.length
val l = len.toDouble / 2.0
val ll = l.floor.toInt
val lu = l.ceil.toInt
val sorted = input.sorted
if ll == lu then
math.max(sorted(ll), sorted(lu))
def average(ls: List[Int]): Double =
ls.sum.toDouble / ls.length.toDouble
def sumDistance(crabs: List[Int], pt: Int): Int = => math.abs(it - pt)).sum
def part1(input: List[Int]): Int =
sumDistance(input, median(input))
def sumtorial(p: Int): Int =
if p < 0 then
(1 to p).sum
def distanceP2(crabs: List[Int], pt: Int): Int = => sumtorial(math.abs(it - pt))).sum
def part2(input: List[Int]): Int =
val pt = average(input)
math.min(distanceP2(input, pt.floor.toInt), distanceP2(input, pt.ceil.toInt))
import Data.List (group, sort)
parse :: String -> [Int]
parse str = read ("[" ++ str ++ "]")
median :: [Int] -> Int
median xs = let len = length xs
l = fromIntegral len / 2
ll = floor l
lu = ceiling l
sorted = sort xs in
if ll == lu then
sorted !! ll
max (sorted !! ll) (sorted !! lu)
average :: [Int] -> (Int, Int)
average l =
avg = fromIntegral (sum l) / fromIntegral (length l)
(floor avg, ceiling avg)
sumDistance :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
sumDistance xs pt =
sum $ map (abs . subtract pt) xs
sumtorial :: Int -> Int
sumtorial n
| n < 0 = 0
| otherwise = sum [1..n]
distanceP2 :: [Int] -> Int -> Int
distanceP2 xs pt =
sum $ map (sumtorial . abs . subtract pt) xs
part1 :: [Int] -> Int
part1 crabs =
med = median crabs
sumDistance crabs med
part2 :: [Int] -> Int
part2 crabs =
(avg1, avg2) = average crabs
min (distanceP2 crabs avg1) (distanceP2 crabs avg2)
main :: IO ()
main = do
input <- readFile "realinput.txt"
let crabs = parse input
print $ part1 crabs
print $ part2 crabs
Part 1
Mean |
Error |
279.662 μs |
+/- 2.338 μs |
JS |
278.361 μs |
+/- 0.299 μs |
Native |
237.204 μs |
+/- 0.669 μs |
Haskell |
1700.340 μs |
+/- 15.097 μs |
Part 2
Mean |
Error |
117.552 μs |
+/- 1.019 μs |
JS |
183.936 μs |
+/- 0.140 μs |
Native |
164.901 μs |
+/- 0.167 μs |
Haskell |
1854.395 μs |
+/- 16.734 μs |