Day 6: Lanternfish

Puzzle Description

Advent of Code 2021, Day 6

Scala Center Advent of Code 2021, Day 6

I've decided to come back to 2021 to writeup some of my favorite days - day 6 is one of my favorites and its second part uses a data structure that is very useful for these types of problems.

As with other 2021 days, I'm going to write Haskell and Scala at the same time. I'm going to mostly cover my Scala solution, but my Haskell solution has the same idea.

Solution Summary

  1. Parse input into a Vector[Int]
  2. Advance this state n times
    • In part 1, n is 80
    • In part 2, n is 256

Part 1

Let's make a helper function to iterate n times:

extension[A] (f: A => A)
  def repeated(n: Int): A => A = { (x: A) =>

The Haskell version of the Scala code is so concise that I don't even bother making a special function for it. We iterate, and index into the nth position.

iterate advance fish !! 80

Then let's parse our input:

def parse(str: String): Vector[Int] =

For Haskell 2022 me decided to just use read.

parse :: Read a => String -> [a]
parse str = read ("[" ++ str ++ "]")

Now let's make our advance function:

def advance(fish: Vector[Int]): Vector[Int] = {
      case 0 => 6
      case 1 => 0
      case 2 => 1
      case 3 => 2
      case 4 => 3
      case 5 => 4
      case 6 => 5
      case 7 => 6
      case 8 => 7
      case _ => assert(false)
   }.prependedAll(List.fill(fish.count(_ == 0))(8))

This is a bit of a spoiler, but this is new 2024 code that is just the above code translated. I didn't bother to leave my old naive solution when writing this in 2022.

mapFish :: Int -> Int
mapFish 0 = 6
mapFish 1 = 0
mapFish 2 = 1
mapFish 3 = 2
mapFish 4 = 3
mapFish 5 = 4
mapFish 6 = 5
mapFish 7 = 6
mapFish 8 = 7
mapFish _ = undefined

advance :: [Int] -> [Int]
advance fish =
   replicate (length (filter (== 0) fish)) 8 ++ map mapFish fish

Now we can solve part 1:

def part1(fish: Vector[Int]): Long =
part1 :: [Int] -> Int
part1 fish =
   length (iterate advance fish !! 80)

Part 2

Part 2 breaks this - too many lanternfish. Even if we waited as long as would be required, it exceeds the Int limit anyway. We have to try something else.

Something that is useful in many problems (the most recent AoC as of writing is day 11 2024) is a frequency map. This is especially useful here as there are only 9 valid states. A frequency map can substitute a list of values whenever the order doesn't matter.

The Haskell and Scala solutions differ slightly. The Haskell solution uses a List of length 9, while Scala just uses a Map. I tried using a Tuple in Scala but I found it too cumbersome to construct compared to a map.

We're going to write new functions for advancing the frequency map:

def advanceP2(map: Map[Int, Long]): Map[Int, Long] =
      0 -> map.getOrElse(1, 0L),
      1 -> map.getOrElse(2, 0L),
      2 -> map.getOrElse(3, 0L),
      3 -> map.getOrElse(4, 0L),
      4 -> map.getOrElse(5, 0L),
      5 -> map.getOrElse(6, 0L),
      6 -> (map.getOrElse(0, 0L) + map.getOrElse(7, 0L)),
      7 -> map.getOrElse(8, 0L),
      8 -> map.getOrElse(0, 0L)
advanceP2 :: [Int] -> [Int]
advanceP2 [n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8] =
   [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n0 + n7, n8, n0]
advanceP2 _ = undefined

Then we can make part 2 functions that assemble the map and advance it 256 times.

def part2(input: Vector[Int]): Long =
   val fishMap = input.groupBy(identity).map(it => it._1 -> it._2.length.toLong)
      case (acc, (_, v)) => acc + v
part2 :: [Int] -> Int
part2 fish =
   sum $ iterate advanceP2 fish' !! 256
      fish' = map (subtract 1 . length) ((group . sort) ([0..8] ++ fish))

This Haskell code needs some explaining. To ensure all slots are in correct places, I add [0..8] to the list, then subtract 1 from the final count.

Final Code

extension[A] (f: A => A)
   def repeated(n: Int): A => A = { (x: A) =>

def advance(fish: Vector[Int]): Vector[Int] = {
    case 0 => 6
    case 1 => 0
    case 2 => 1
    case 3 => 2
    case 4 => 3
    case 5 => 4
    case 6 => 5
    case 7 => 6
    case 8 => 7
    case _ => assert(false)
  }.prependedAll(List.fill(fish.count(_ == 0))(8))

override def parse(str: String): Vector[Int] =

def advanceP2(map: Map[Int, Long]): Map[Int, Long] =
    0 -> map.getOrElse(1, 0L),
    1 -> map.getOrElse(2, 0L),
    2 -> map.getOrElse(3, 0L),
    3 -> map.getOrElse(4, 0L),
    4 -> map.getOrElse(5, 0L),
    5 -> map.getOrElse(6, 0L),
    6 -> (map.getOrElse(0, 0L) + map.getOrElse(7, 0L)),
    7 -> map.getOrElse(8, 0L),
    8 -> map.getOrElse(0, 0L)

override def part1(input: Vector[Int]): Long =

override def part2(input: Vector[Int]): Long =
  val fishMap = input.groupBy(identity).map(it => it._1 -> it._2.length.toLong)
    case (acc, (_, v)) => acc + v
parse :: Read a => String -> [a]
parse str = read ("[" ++ str ++ "]")

mapFish :: Int -> Int
mapFish 0 = 6
mapFish 1 = 0
mapFish 2 = 1
mapFish 3 = 2
mapFish 4 = 3
mapFish 5 = 4
mapFish 6 = 5
mapFish 7 = 6
mapFish 8 = 7
mapFish _ = undefined

advance :: [Int] -> [Int]
advance fish =
   replicate (length (filter (== 0) fish)) 8 ++ map mapFish fish
part1 :: [Int] -> Int
part1 fish =
   length (iterate advance fish !! 80)
advanceP2 :: [Int] -> [Int]
advanceP2 [n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8] =
   [n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n0 + n7, n8, n0]
advanceP2 _ = undefined

part2 :: [Int] -> Int
part2 fish =
   sum $ iterate advanceP2 fish' !! 256
      fish' = map (subtract 1 . length) ((group . sort) ([0..8] ++ fish))


Part 1




26.313 ms

+/- 1.130 ms


75.043 ms

+/- 0.816 ms


67.958 ms

+/- 0.490 ms


266.124 ms

+/- 12.873 ms

Part 2




356.639 μs

+/- 1.405 μs


2029.141 μs

+/- 2.224 μs


251.962 μs

+/- 0.201 μs


447.168 μs

+/- 3.102 μs

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