Day 22: Monkey Market

Puzzle Description

Advent of Code 2024, Day 22

Scala Center Advent of Code 2024, Day 22

Solution Summary

  1. Parse input into a List[Int]
  2. Make a function that advances the hidden number

Part 1 and part 2 are pretty disjoint after this.

For part 1, then:

  1. For each value in the input, apply this function 2000 times, and convert to Long at the end
  2. Sum all these values

For part 2, then:

  1. For each value, get the first 2000 numbers in the sequence, and modulo them by 10.
  2. Get a list of all possible valid combinations of diffs (so -9 to 9 * 4)
  3. For all of the sequences of the first 2000 numbers, get a sequence of all diffs in the list and what number they result in
  4. Go through each valid combination and sum the resulting number from each sequence for that combination
  5. Pick the max of these

Part 1

First, let's get parsing out of the way:

def parse(str: String): List[Int] =

Next, the bulk of part 1: The seed function.

The wording in the puzzle description isn't very helpful, so let's simplify it a bit.

It's worth noting that all the numbers used in advancing are powers of two, so bitwise operations can replace the multiplying, dividing, and moduloing.

Now for the actual process:

  1. Save the secret number to a temporary register (x)
  2. Set x to x xor x times 64 (or x bitshift left by 6)
  3. Set x to x modulo 16777216 (or x bitwise and 16777216 - 1)
  4. Set x to x xor x divided by 32, rounded down (or x bitshift right by 5)
  5. Set x to x modulo 16777216 (or x bitwise and 16777216 - 1)
  6. Set x to x xor x times 2048 (or x bitshift left by 11)
  7. Set x to x modulo 16777216 (or x bitwise and 16777216 - 1)
  8. Return the new secret number as x's value.

Here's the real code:

val pow2to24minus1 = 16777216 - 1
def advance(i: Int): Int =
  var x = i

  x ^= (x << 6)
  x &= pow2to24minus1

  x ^= (x >> 5)
  x &= pow2to24minus1

  x ^= (x << 11)
  x &= pow2to24minus1


Let's also make a helper function for applying a function n times:

extension[A](f: A => A)
  def repeated(n: Int): A => A = (x: A) =>

Now we can solve part 1:

def part1(input: List[Int]): Long = l =>

Part 2

Part 2 is kind of a lot, but it's all in the part2 function, so let's step through the part 2 function bit by bit.

def part2(input: List[Int]): Long =

First, let's get the list of sequences of the first 2000 prices.

  val sequences = l =>
    Iterator.iterate(l)(advance).take(2000).map(_ % 10).toList

Then, let's get all of the valid combinations of difference sequences:

  val validDiffSequences =
    for {
      x <- -9 to 9
      y <- -9 to 9
      z <- -9 to 9
      w <- -9 to 9
    } yield Vector(x, y, z, w)

Now here is the somewhat hard part to optimize correctly, but I found that calculating the sum of all the sequences here is the fastest. Let's make a map of all of the sums for all the valid combinations.

  val diffMap =

For each sequence, we have to make a map of the first time we see each difference sequence and what value it results in. A simple sliding with a foldLeft works for this.

Note the updatedWith never overrides a value if it's already present, as we only want the first value we see with that difference sequence. seq =>
      seq.sliding(5).foldLeft(Map[Vector[Int], Int]()):
        case (acc, Seq(x, y, z, w, v)) =>
          acc.updatedWith(Vector(y - x, z - y, w - z, v - w)):
            case Some(value) => Some(value)
            case None => Some(v)

Then we have to sum all of these together. Two more foldLefts work here:

    .foldLeft(Map[Vector[Int], Long]()): (acc, oldMap) =>
        case (c, (k, v)) =>
            case Some(value) => Some(value + v.toLong)
            case _ => Some(v.toLong)

Now we actually have our map of diffs, we just find the maximum.

  validDiffSequences.flatMap: i =>
    diffMap.get(i).map(v => (i, v))

And that's part2.

Final code:

  def parse(str: String): List[Int] =

  // 16777216 == 2 ^ 24
  val pow2to24minus1 = 16777216 - 1
  def advance(i: Int): Int =
    var x = i
    x ^= (x << 6)
    x &= pow2to24minus1
    x ^= (x >> 5)
    x &= pow2to24minus1
    x ^= (x << 11)
    x &= pow2to24minus1


  def part1(input: List[Int]): Long = l =>

  def part2(input: List[Int]): Long =
    val sequences = l =>
      Iterator.iterate(l)(advance).take(2000).map(_ % 10).toList
    val validDiffSequences =
      for {
        x <- -9 to 9
        y <- -9 to 9
        z <- -9 to 9
        w <- -9 to 9
      } yield Vector(x, y, z, w)
    val diffMap = seq =>
        seq.sliding(5).foldLeft(Map[Vector[Int], Int]()):
          case (acc, Seq(x, y, z, w, v)) =>
            acc.updatedWith(Vector(y - x, z - y, w - z, v - w)):
              case Some(value) => Some(value)
              case None => Some(v)
      .foldLeft(Map[Vector[Int], Long]()): (acc, oldMap) =>
          case (c, (k, v)) =>
              case Some(value) => Some(value + v.toLong)
              case _ => Some(v.toLong)

    validDiffSequences.flatMap: i =>
      diffMap.get(i).map(v => (i, v))

On my machine this only takes 3 seconds.

Full github code


Part 1




13.072 ms

+/- 0.109 ms


28.550 ms

+/- 0.036 ms


32.117 ms

+/- 0.149 ms

Part 2




2858.603 ms

+/- 305.844 ms


18242.245 ms

+/- 2977.522 ms


5391.406 ms

+/- 196.019 ms

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